Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Creation

Today was a long day : ) We had about 70 kids from the dump come over to Mr. Farrar's house and we showered them and let them swim in the gigantic pool! We were able to feed them and teach them about the Lord, then take them back home with smiling faces. So beautiful! After that segment of the afternoon, our team went to the land and set up stations: piano lessons, guitar lessons, crafts.... etc. (I taught piano). The rain interrupted and changed our plans, but it was still a blissful day. This evening we took a few of the kids out to eat with our team since they are spending the night with us, and my sweet little 2 year old threw up all over me.... that was the highlight of my day. Definitely not : ) Something that has been on my heart lately is the beauty of humility. There is so much peace that comes with it and so much love. Boy do I have a long way to go, but I'm excited to continue the journey at the moment! Satan tries to rip apart the confidence that I have in Christ, but who is he next to the Lord : ) Whom shall I fear?

(p.s; I'm feeling a lot better! THANK YOU for your prayers dear friends)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Well... I'm not exactly sure what did it, but I have a high fever and sore throat, so please rebuke Satan's trap to weaken me! Visiting the Muslim slum yesterday, our team had to wear rain boots because the mud was so high, but one of the guys on the team decided he wanted to try a different path... only to face plant into the knee deep pool of (what we hope was) mud. Loving every second of my being here, and just hoping that my condition will not worsen but cease. My best friend is coming here tomorrow and will be teaching Tae Kwon Doe to the children! Love it. Praise Praise Praise the Lord.

Loving Ecclesiastes 3

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Children's Home

This evening I was able to go to the Children's home where the kids from Life Impact stay during the week. EhTooSay, my closest little buddy from the group of kids was just as sweet and as darling as can be! When the kids prayed over me I just felt like weeping it was so beautiful, but I figured I'd save that for tonight : ) Surprisingly it's somewhat rainy here during the later hours, but I just love it. I love the humidity and I love the loud noises during the night. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hello Friends : )

I leave for Thailand today (the 17th) for about a month, and prayers are very much appreciated! I'll be working at an orphanage and spending time just listening to the Lord's voice. Traveling alone is going to be a little nerve-racking for myself and (as you can imagine) my mother : ) I will do my best to update this blog every so often so that you can check in. My hope is that it would be a time of renewal and growth in my walk with the Lord and that I would be able to serve as much as possible.

Thank you for your prayers!